Monday, August 18, 2008

Softball Tournament

So this weekend got to be an adventure?!?!? Megan had a softball tournament that started on Thursday and went to Saturday. They started bracketing by losing the first game that in turn sent them to the Losers Bracket and they had to battle back to win 5 games in a row and take 3rd place!!! this has to be the most amazing girls that I think that I have been around!! They REALLY do work as a team and have fun together!!! With this tournament came some saddness as we are going to be losing Jeneece and Brittney as they age up and have to go to older teams.
:( this was hard when the coaches asked Jeneece if she wanted to tell the girls anything and just started crying which in turn made most of us cry.... what a great kid!!!! I could not be prouder of these girls!!! GO FREEZE!!!!!


Ashcraft Family said...

Wow what great accomplishments for the kids!!!I had no idea you and Amy were bloggers too and I just ran across yours and hers from someone else! Since we never see you-I will love to see updates. Hope you don't mind me adding you to my list. Isn't it fun? Good to see you today!

Barrow Family said...

no problem add me to the list I am so new to this but it has been great fun!!!!

Tammie said...

Hey Joscie~ I just saw your comment on Cindy's blog. It's great to see pictures of your cute little family. We will definately need to get together on a Friday like we used to.