Thursday, April 2, 2020


The year of more change -Danny is still in Boise (yes this was getting old and we know there is a change coming) Joscie still at Olympus for now, Church at night and starting my MBA. Oh life got crazy! February 2015 Danny quit his job we felt it was time and took the risk! Oh boy! Forrest changed high schools that is another story, but in short it was the best move to make sure he graduated and played water polo which he is great at!
Kenz finished up her Bachelors degree 2 years after she finished high school! Her Great Grandma was so proud!
May 13, 2015 my grandma Norma came to Keats 15th birthday her last family party with us and sang the Norwegian national anthem oh how I wish we had recoded that! Then the Friday before Memorial Day my grandma had a stroke! She lived! It was horrible and scary! June came and Ethan GRADUATED after all his stuff he did it I was so proud of him! Meg finished softball she had a VERY hard Junior year and kept pushing through.
Keats killed it in Lacrosse and went on to play summer ball.
Then July hit... I was given an interesting situation..... And I walked away from Olympus Insurance, I do not want to dwell on what happened other then it forever changed me to see how some people really are and that I do not need to keep them in my life. Thankfully even though our world seemed to get turned upside down we pushed forward! Danny found a job at Farrs ice cream I went full time at the Church as a supervisor. Kenz celebrated 1 year of marriage to Carson and working at the Church, Eth started college and failed out which is fine. Meg started her senior year with cross country, Keats started her sophomore year and playing lacrosse. October we took what would be our last family cruise with EVERYONE more details later.... Southern Caribbean!
Then November my grandma turned 90! She was still suffering from her stroke but she did it she made it to her 90th birthday!
Sadly, December 1st, 2015 one of the most amazing women I have known passed away my Grandma on her husband my grandfathers birthday. Her death brought so much emotion for me. I was not working where she had been working and did not want to be around people who still worked there. I did it, I went to the funeral not for anyone but myself and my kids. My grandma deserved that from us! Even with all the "drama" the year was one that taught me how important family really is and we do not need to keep people around who do not really care about you.

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