Thursday, April 2, 2020


This year seemed kind of boring from the last year..... Danny was working at Farrs and loving it! I was working for the Church and loving it finished my MBA in August 2016, my focus for my MBA was international business relations and leadership which sent me to Europe for 3 weeks. Was amazing! So glad I chose this program! May brought Ethan changing jobs and starting work for Liberty Electric (great move). June brought Megan's graduation she officially quit softball and threw Javelin and did AMAZING! Took 1st in region and 5th in state not to bad, I can not believe 3 kids are out of high school. Keats also got her drivers license this year! All kids driving to!!! She also made a comp lacrosse team True and she loved it! Kenz is working and married. Ethan is working full time learning to be an electrician, Meg is finishing her associates degree at SLCC and Keats is in her junior year playing Lacrosse. Then December 2016 I was in a funk I will be honest it had been a year since my grandma died, I just finished my MBA and even though I love working for the Church I wanted a job I could use my education, my kids did not seem to want me around and I was sad. Then I felt like just keep going you can do this! Took the 3 youngest to Disneyland which was fun, but I was just not myself. December 26th the kids went skiing and snowboarding and Keats destroyed her knee as they joke she round house kicked a tree. On December 31st she had a 6 hour knee surgery.... lots to repair and what I needed to get me out of my funk I needed to take care of my baby. It was rough recovery, but we had an amazing doctor! She was playing LAX again by the end of April 2017 and went on to play summer lax she really was a miracle to watch her heal.


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