Monday, July 18, 2011

10 years

Well we went and saw the final Harry Potter and it got me thinking about how the first one we went and saw was almost 10 years ago!!! It came out in November 2001 I had a 7, 4, 3, 1 and by the end of 2001 my step mom died and my grandpa with in the same week. Now I have a 16,14,13,11 they can all read Harry now and most of them have finished the whole series! The older you get the faster it goes!

I thought I would share the year Ethan was Draco for Halloween 2005 (you need to read the books or see the movie, but he's not so bad)April 2011
Christmas 2000, I just love this picture! It has my 4 kids and Tyler my nephew, but there is so much personality of the kids showing! So silly how going to see a movie brings back so many memories!

1 comment:

Elgie said...

I LOVE THIS POST! And how the heck did so much time go by! I didn't see Ethan as Draco, but I remember seeing a pic of him.

HE LOOKED PERFECT! Love, love, love this post! Don't blink, time goes way too fast!!!!!